Office 1
Office 1
Office 2
+355 (0) 4 222 6256 Mon - Sat 08:30 - 17:00 Rr. Reshit Collaku, Pall 4,Shk 8, Ap 7, Tirana, Albania
+355 (0) 4 222 6256 Mon - Sat 08:30 - 17:00 Rr.“Bako Dervishaj”, Pall Nr.4, Shkalla Nr. 1, Tiranë, Shqipëri
The Best
#1 in Albania
Number #1
Suplier in Balkan


Real Factory’s R&D Automotive applications are aimed at giving the company a competitive edge in the automotive market.

The skill and experience that we deploy through our construction teams on the ground equals the best in the industry

“Chance Invest” Sh.p.k. is one of the companies Located anywhere in the construction sector. It would be impossible for Our company to miss in the construction of water supply and Sewerage, hydro etc.